✅ – ready
▶️ – ongoing
⬜️ – planning
Stage 1. MVP development
✅ Game concept
✅ Branding
✅ Game MVP development
✅ Smart-contract deployment
▶️ Community building
▶️ Farcaster frame game launch
▶️ MVP launch
▶️ Game website launch
Stage 2. Community building and full gameplay development
▶️ KOLs and alpha groups onboarding
▶️ Game interface and UX improvement
▶️ Gameplay design improvement
▶️ Back-end and smart contract rework
▶️ Front-end improvement
⬜️ $DUELS token DEX listing
⬜️ $DUELS community airdrop
⬜️ Telegram mini-app development
⬜️ PVP duels launch
Phase 3. Scaling and $DUELS ecosystem development
⬜️ Auto-dueling mode
⬜️ Tradable NFT avatars (purchase for $DUELS)
⬜️ $DUELS stacking
⬜️ Referral system development
⬜️ Guilds (TBA)
⬜️ Cross-chain availability (TBA)
⬜️ Competitive mode and tournaments (TBA)
Last updated